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There is a stream beyond all this where everything connects. On this plane of lower vibrations, we experience polarity in the harshest sense. The law of polarity means that war and peace are the same vibration, happening in different degrees. But they are not opposites. I think war is the ultimate expression of separation and its opposite is oneness. The cosmic pendulum is always swinging.
There is a stream beyond all this where we are one. It is difficult to see that in this lowest plane of vibration where we appear separate and we invent many many words to describe how different we are from each other. But we dig deep enough inside ourselves we will find each other. If we are not in agreement today, that means we haven’t dug far enough yet.
If, by chance, you know how to find this stream— if you pray or meditate or chant or maybe you can just close your eyes right now and breathe one slow, deep breath— let’s focus on oneness. Maybe if we shoot for oneness, at the least, we might swing to peace .