ONE: Ah Yes Gemini

To logic, the number ONE is a unit. To magic, the number ONE is a whole. Today, I completed my first exploratory painting of the year, AH YES GEMINI. The process of coming up to the surface of infinity through the portal of ZERO has been very insightful and fruitful. After sending the last of the paintings for my Celestial Data for Daydreaming Exhibit to Silverlens Galleries, I cleaned out the studio to prepare it for new energy and new works.

Applying what I have learned from creating the seven Celestial paintings and calling on my inner Venus power I went through my own recalibration with a new sense of veneration. I would remind myself that each act is my sacred intention, my sacred force, my sacrament. No act is too small to pour my love into. This frame of mind infused every act with reverence and strong will. This was my hard reboot. And today, I taste the first fruit of my efforts.

From a deep dive into the seven classical planets of ancient Astronomy, AH YES GEMINI brings me out into the Zodiac. And since I worked on the painting during full-blown Gemini season, I felt that twin power at its maximum flow. Gemini symbolism, according to Rudolf Steiner, is about grasping one’s self. Its essence is not the image of the twins but the gesture of the twins holding hands.

This made me realize that Gemini energy isn’t about the twoness of the twin image. Gemini energy is ONE. A whole working in two parts. This brought me a picture of the human brain. It made me think of the beautiful sparks made each time the left hemisphere of the brain touches the right hemisphere of the brain. Ah how many synapses do we need to generate in order to perceive a thing? How amazing it is that the two halves of our brain work together so that we can see.

To logic (left brain), the number ONE is a unit. To magic (right brain), the number ONE is a whole. I exist in the space between logic and magic and it is my task to bring these two together and create fireworks of synapses with them. The beauty of Gemini energy is that through my twoness, I can grasp my oneness. By embracing myself, I understand that I AM WHOLE.


On Mecca and the Moon
