Moon Power
Being an artist means that my experiences have equipped me with the capacity to stretch into the unknown. You could even say that I am drawn to it and have a hunger to explore it. When I face a blank canvas, I have a great force in me that reaches into the part of my brain that deals with the unknown, the immeasurable, the unquantifiable. My right brain.
In my last blogpost I mention how the phases of the moon affect my daughter’s brain. And how this has led me, as a mother, to a path of exploring the forces generated by the planets and stars in the cosmos. I think the moon does not just affect Mecca, it affects all of us. The moon is the celestial body closest to earth, so its effect is great. It particularly affects the waters of the earth and it affects the water in us. The Human brain which consists of 78% water is, of course, the most affected part of the human body.
Even on a full moon when the moon shows us its fullest, brightest face, we only see one side of it and the other side remains hidden from our point of view on earth. The moon and the earth are so amazingly, specifically synchronized that the same side of the moon faces the earth all the time. For me, this links the moon more intimately to the human brain.
The human being has evolved far in terms of thinking. Imagine all the data that our senses collect and our brain processes every minute of the day. Imagine how much we’ve evolved from making crude tools with stone to building rocket ships. To think that we have all this brain power and we are using only 5% of the brain’s capacity. In the way the moon reflects the light of the sun on only half its sphere, we are only awake to a fraction of our human capacity.
I suppose that we have a great deal of evolution to do before we notch up even a little bit. And I suppose a lot of that development has to do with the other hemisphere of the brain, the one we access every time we imagine, when we get inspiration, when we intuit. Each time we reach into the unknown and touch the immeasurable, we stretch into that other 95% of human capacity.
Yes, the moon has the power to reflect the light of the sun. But that is just a reflection. I imagine that the moon’s true power is in that darkness we cannot reach yet. I imagine that its power to affect the earth’s tides affects the human subconscious —that realm we point to when we come across something we don’t understand. The data we gather with our senses in the light of day and through the moon’s reflected light is knowledge. To turn that knowledge into understanding requires a wilful reaching into the darkness of our inner self. To turn that data to wisdom, we have to dig even deeper.
Many myths surround the moon, especially the full moon. These days, I am more inclined to seek the truth from ancient myths than our daily news. These myths point to a power we are connected to. I hope my moon painting, “Moon/Luna/Sophia: From Knowledge to Wisdom” sparks some wonder in you so the next time a full moon or a new moon comes around you might look up and feel a sense of awe about the great unknown.
Moon/ Luna/ Sophia: From Knowledge to Wisdom 2021 Acrylic on Canvas 60”X48”
This Moon painting is one of the 7 planet paintings I made for my upcoming exhibit at Silverlens Galleries. CELESTIAL DATA FOR DAYDREAMING opens July 31st and goes until August 28. Silverlens is open by appointment only.