Welcome To Inner Studio Circle

Here, I shall write. I will attempt to express things I may not have words for. I will stumble, I will make lots of mistakes. This will be crude, like primitive scratches on caves. These are not explanations to the work. This will not be an intelligent discourse on Art. I am a painter and not a writer after all. This is only a little offering in the way of extending a hand to shake. But you can trust that this will be given to you with utmost sincerity, in full earnestness.

This will be an attempt to convey the feeling of an idea arriving at the door. This is to give the feeling of the weight of a brush laden with paint in the palm of your hand. This is to transmit the joy of a swoosh of paint on canvas and how it goes with the rhythm of a breath. Thank you for coming here. There is some kind of spark hidden in the space between these words. I hope you find it.


The Infinite Yes and the Secret David